Source code for mplhep.plot

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Union

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import axes_size, make_axes_locatable

from .utils import (

    from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

StairsArtists = namedtuple("StairsArtists", "stairs errorbar legend_artist")
ErrorBarArtists = namedtuple("ErrorBarArtists", "errorbar")
ColormeshArtists = namedtuple("ColormeshArtists", "pcolormesh cbar text")

Hist1DArtists = Union[StairsArtists, ErrorBarArtists]
Hist2DArtists = ColormeshArtists

def soft_update_kwargs(kwargs, mods, rc=True):
    not_default = [k for k, v in mpl.rcParamsDefault.items() if v != mpl.rcParams[k]]
    respect = [
    aliases = {"ls": "linestyle", "lw": "linewidth"}
    kwargs = {aliases[k] if k in aliases else k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
    for key, val in mods.items():
        rc_modded = (key in not_default) or (
            key in [k.split(".")[-1] for k in not_default if k in respect]
        if key not in kwargs and (rc and not rc_modded):
            kwargs[key] = val
    return kwargs

# Histogram plotter
[docs] def histplot( H, # Histogram object, tuple or array bins=None, # Bins to be supplied when h is a value array or iterable of array *, yerr: ArrayLike | bool | None = None, w2=None, w2method=None, stack: bool = False, density: bool = False, binwnorm=None, histtype: str = "step", xerr=False, label=None, sort=None, edges=True, binticks=False, ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None, flow="hint", **kwargs, ): """ Create a 1D histogram plot from `np.histogram`-like inputs. Parameters ---------- H : object Histogram object with containing values and optionally bins. Can be: - `np.histogram` tuple - PlottableProtocol histogram object - `boost_histogram` classic (<0.13) histogram object - raw histogram values, provided `bins` is specified. Or list thereof. bins : iterable, optional Histogram bins, if not part of ``H``. yerr : iterable or bool, optional Histogram uncertainties. Following modes are supported: - True, sqrt(N) errors or poissonian interval when ``w2`` is specified - shape(N) array of for one sided errors or list thereof - shape(Nx2) array of for two sided errors or list thereof w2 : iterable, optional Sum of the histogram weights squared for poissonian interval error calculation w2method: callable, optional Function calculating CLs with signature ``low, high = fcn(w, w2)``. Here ``low`` and ``high`` are given in absolute terms, not relative to w. Default is ``None``. If w2 has integer values (likely to be data) poisson interval is calculated, otherwise the resulting error is symmetric ``sqrt(w2)``. Specifying ``poisson`` or ``sqrt`` will force that behaviours. stack : bool, optional Whether to stack or overlay non-axis dimension (if it exists). N.B. in contrast to ROOT, stacking is performed in a single call aka ``histplot([h1, h2, ...], stack=True)`` as opposed to multiple calls. density : bool, optional If true, convert sum weights to probability density (i.e. integrates to 1 over domain of axis) (Note: this option conflicts with ``binwnorm``) binwnorm : float, optional If true, convert sum weights to bin-width-normalized, with unit equal to supplied value (usually you want to specify 1.) histtype: {'step', 'fill', 'band', 'errorbar'}, optional, default: "step" Type of histogram to plot: - "step": skyline/step/outline of a histogram using `plt.stairs <>`_ - "fill": filled histogram using `plt.stairs <>`_ - "step": filled band spanning the yerr range of the histogram using `plt.stairs <>`_ - "errorbar": single marker histogram using `plt.errorbar <>`_ xerr: bool or float, optional Size of xerr if ``histtype == 'errorbar'``. If ``True``, bin-width will be used. label : str or list, optional Label for legend entry. sort: {'label'/'l', 'yield'/'y'}, optional Append '_r' for reverse. edges : bool, default: True, optional Specifies whether to draw first and last edges of the histogram binticks : bool, default: False, optional Attempts to draw x-axis ticks coinciding with bin boundaries if feasible. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created) flow : str, optional { "show", "sum", "hint", "none"} Whether plot the under/overflow bin. If "show", add additional under/overflow bin. If "sum", add the under/overflow bin content to first/last bin. **kwargs : Keyword arguments passed to underlying matplotlib functions - {'stairs', 'errorbar'}. Returns ------- List[Hist1DArtists] """ # ax check if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() else: if not isinstance(ax, plt.Axes): raise ValueError("ax must be a matplotlib Axes object") # arg check _allowed_histtype = ["fill", "step", "errorbar", "band"] _err_message = f"Select 'histtype' from: {_allowed_histtype}" assert histtype in _allowed_histtype, _err_message assert flow is None or flow in { "show", "sum", "hint", "none", }, "flow must be show, sum, hint, or none" # Convert 1/0 etc to real bools stack = bool(stack) density = bool(density) edges = bool(edges) binticks = bool(binticks) # Process input hists = list(process_histogram_parts(H, bins)) final_bins, xtick_labels = get_plottable_protocol_bins(hists[0].axes[0]) _bin_widths = np.diff(final_bins) _bin_centers = final_bins[1:] - _bin_widths / float(2) assert final_bins.ndim == 1, "bins need to be 1 dimensional" _x_axes_label = ax.get_xlabel() x_axes_label = ( _x_axes_label if _x_axes_label != "" else get_histogram_axes_title(hists[0].axes[0]) ) plottables = [] flow_bins = final_bins for i, h in enumerate(hists): value, variance = np.copy(h.values()), h.variances() if has_variances := variance is not None: variance = np.copy(variance) underflow, overflow = 0.0, 0.0 underflowv, overflowv = 0.0, 0.0 # One sided flow bins - hist (uproot hist does not have the over- or underflow traits) if ( hasattr(h, "axes") and (traits := getattr(h.axes[0], "traits", None)) is not None and hasattr(traits, "underflow") and hasattr(traits, "overflow") ): if traits.overflow: overflow = np.copy(h.values(flow=True))[-1] if has_variances: overflowv = np.copy(h.variances(flow=True))[-1] if traits.underflow: underflow = np.copy(h.values(flow=True))[0] if has_variances: underflowv = np.copy(h.variances(flow=True))[0] # Both flow bins exist - uproot elif hasattr(h, "values") and "flow" in inspect.getfullargspec(h.values).args: if len(h.values()) + 2 == len( h.values(flow=True) ): # easy case, both over/under underflow, overflow = ( np.copy(h.values(flow=True))[0], np.copy(h.values(flow=True))[-1], ) if has_variances: underflowv, overflowv = ( np.copy(h.variances(flow=True))[0], np.copy(h.variances(flow=True))[-1], ) # Set plottables if flow == "none": plottables.append(Plottable(value, edges=final_bins, variances=variance)) elif flow == "hint": # modify plottable plottables.append(Plottable(value, edges=final_bins, variances=variance)) elif flow == "show": _flow_bin_size = np.max( [0.05 * (final_bins[-1] - final_bins[0]), np.mean(np.diff(final_bins))] ) flow_bins = np.copy(final_bins) if underflow > 0: flow_bins = np.r_[flow_bins[0] - _flow_bin_size, flow_bins] value = np.r_[underflow, value] if has_variances: variance = np.r_[underflowv, variance] if overflow > 0: flow_bins = np.r_[flow_bins, flow_bins[-1] + _flow_bin_size] value = np.r_[value, overflow] if has_variances: variance = np.r_[variance, overflowv] plottables.append(Plottable(value, edges=flow_bins, variances=variance)) elif flow == "sum": if underflow > 0: value[0] += underflow if has_variances: variance[0] += underflowv if overflow > 0: value[-1] += overflow if has_variances: variance[-1] += overflowv plottables.append(Plottable(value, edges=final_bins, variances=variance)) else: plottables.append(Plottable(value, edges=final_bins, variances=variance)) if w2 is not None: for _w2, _plottable in zip( w2.reshape(len(plottables), len(final_bins) - 1), plottables ): _plottable.variances = _w2 _plottable.method = w2method if w2 is not None and yerr is not None: raise ValueError("Can only supply errors or w2") _labels: list[str | None] if label is None: _labels = [None] * len(plottables) elif isinstance(label, str): _labels = [label] * len(plottables) elif not np.iterable(label): _labels = [str(label)] * len(plottables) else: _labels = [str(lab) for lab in label] def iterable_not_string(arg): return isinstance(arg, and not isinstance(arg, str) _chunked_kwargs: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] for _ in range(len(plottables)): _chunked_kwargs.append({}) for kwarg in kwargs: # Check if iterable if iterable_not_string(kwargs[kwarg]): # Check if tuple of floats or ints (can be used for colors) if isinstance(kwargs[kwarg], tuple) and all( isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float) for x in kwargs[kwarg] ): for i in range(len(_chunked_kwargs)): _chunked_kwargs[i][kwarg] = kwargs[kwarg] else: for i, kw in enumerate(kwargs[kwarg]): _chunked_kwargs[i][kwarg] = kw else: for i in range(len(_chunked_kwargs)): _chunked_kwargs[i][kwarg] = kwargs[kwarg] ############################ # # yerr calculation _yerr: np.ndarray | None if yerr is not None: # yerr is array if hasattr(yerr, "__len__"): _yerr = np.asarray(yerr) # yerr is a number elif isinstance(yerr, (int, float)) and not isinstance(yerr, bool): _yerr = np.ones((len(plottables), len(final_bins) - 1)) * yerr # yerr is automatic else: _yerr = None else: _yerr = None if _yerr is not None: assert isinstance(_yerr, np.ndarray) if _yerr.ndim == 3: # Already correct format pass elif _yerr.ndim == 2 and len(plottables) == 1: # Broadcast ndim 2 to ndim 3 if _yerr.shape[-2] == 2: # [[1,1], [1,1]] _yerr = _yerr.reshape(len(plottables), 2, _yerr.shape[-1]) elif _yerr.shape[-2] == 1: # [[1,1]] _yerr = np.tile(_yerr, 2).reshape(len(plottables), 2, _yerr.shape[-1]) else: raise ValueError("yerr format is not understood") elif _yerr.ndim == 2: # Broadcast yerr (nh, N) to (nh, 2, N) _yerr = np.tile(_yerr, 2).reshape(len(plottables), 2, _yerr.shape[-1]) elif _yerr.ndim == 1: # Broadcast yerr (1, N) to (nh, 2, N) _yerr = np.tile(_yerr, 2 * len(plottables)).reshape( len(plottables), 2, _yerr.shape[-1] ) else: raise ValueError("yerr format is not understood") assert _yerr is not None for yrs, _plottable in zip(_yerr, plottables): _plottable.fixed_errors(*yrs) # Sorting if sort is not None: if isinstance(sort, str): if sort.split("_")[0] in ["l", "label"] and isinstance(_labels, list): order = np.argsort(label) # [::-1] elif sort.split("_")[0] in ["y", "yield"]: _yields = [np.sum(_h.values) for _h in plottables] order = np.argsort(_yields) if len(sort.split("_")) == 2 and sort.split("_")[1] == "r": order = order[::-1] elif isinstance(sort, list) or isinstance(sort, np.ndarray): if len(sort) != len(plottables): raise ValueError( f"Sort indexing array is of the wrong size - {len(sort)}, {len(plottables)} expected." ) order = np.asarray(sort) else: raise ValueError(f"Sort type: {sort} not understood.") plottables = [plottables[ix] for ix in order] _chunked_kwargs = [_chunked_kwargs[ix] for ix in order] _labels = [_labels[ix] for ix in order] # ############################ # # Stacking, norming, density if density is True and binwnorm is not None: raise ValueError("Can only set density or binwnorm.") if density is True: if stack: _total = np.sum( np.array([plottable.values for plottable in plottables]), axis=0 ) for plottable in plottables: plottable.flat_scale(1.0 / np.sum(np.diff(final_bins) * _total)) else: for plottable in plottables: plottable.density = True elif binwnorm is not None: for plottable, norm in zip( plottables, np.broadcast_to(binwnorm, (len(plottables),)) ): plottable.flat_scale(norm) plottable.binwnorm() # Stack if stack and len(plottables) > 1: from .utils import stack as stack_fun plottables = stack_fun(*plottables) ########## # Plotting return_artists: list[StairsArtists | ErrorBarArtists] = [] if histtype == "step": for i in range(len(plottables)): do_errors = yerr is not False and ( (yerr is not None or w2 is not None) or (plottables[i].variances is not None) ) _kwargs = _chunked_kwargs[i] _label = _labels[i] if do_errors else None _step_label = _labels[i] if not do_errors else None _kwargs = soft_update_kwargs(_kwargs, {"linewidth": 1.5}) _plot_info = plottables[i].to_stairs() _plot_info["baseline"] = None if not edges else 0 _s = ax.stairs( **_plot_info, label=_step_label, **_kwargs, ) if do_errors: _kwargs = soft_update_kwargs(_kwargs, {"color": _s.get_edgecolor()}) _kwargs["linestyle"] = "none" _plot_info = plottables[i].to_errorbar() _e = ax.errorbar( **_plot_info, **_kwargs, ) _e_leg = ax.errorbar( [], [], yerr=1, xerr=1, color=_s.get_edgecolor(), label=_label ) return_artists.append( StairsArtists( _s, _e if do_errors else None, _e_leg if do_errors else None, ) ) _artist = _s elif histtype == "fill": for i in range(len(plottables)): _kwargs = _chunked_kwargs[i] _f = ax.stairs( **plottables[i].to_stairs(), label=_labels[i], fill=True, **_kwargs ) return_artists.append(StairsArtists(_f, None, None)) _artist = _f elif histtype == "band": band_defaults = { "alpha": 0.5, "edgecolor": "darkgray", "facecolor": "whitesmoke", "hatch": "//// /", } for i in range(len(plottables)): _kwargs = _chunked_kwargs[i] _f = ax.stairs( **plottables[i].to_stairband(), label=_labels[i], fill=True, **soft_update_kwargs(_kwargs, band_defaults), ) return_artists.append(StairsArtists(_f, None, None)) _artist = _f elif histtype == "errorbar": err_defaults = { "linestyle": "none", "marker": ".", "markersize": 10.0, "elinewidth": 1, } _xerr: np.ndarray | float | int | None if xerr is True: _xerr = _bin_widths / 2 elif isinstance(xerr, (int, float)) and not isinstance(xerr, bool): _xerr = xerr else: _xerr = None for i in range(len(plottables)): _kwargs = _chunked_kwargs[i] _plot_info = plottables[i].to_errorbar() if yerr is False: _plot_info["yerr"] = None _plot_info["xerr"] = _xerr _e = ax.errorbar( **_plot_info, label=_labels[i], **soft_update_kwargs(_kwargs, err_defaults), ) return_artists.append(ErrorBarArtists(_e)) _artist = _e[0] # Add sticky edges for autoscale assert hasattr( listy := _artist.sticky_edges.y, "append" ), "cannot append to sticky edges" listy.append(0) if xtick_labels is None or flow == "show": if binticks: _slice = int(round(float(len(final_bins)) / len(ax.get_xticks()))) + 1 ax.set_xticks(final_bins[::_slice]) else: ax.set_xticks(_bin_centers) ax.set_xticklabels(xtick_labels) if x_axes_label: ax.set_xlabel(x_axes_label) # Flow extra styling if (fig := ax.figure) is None: raise ValueError("No figure found") if flow == "hint": _marker_size = ( 30 * ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).width ) if underflow > 0.0: ax.scatter( final_bins[0], 0, _marker_size, marker=align_marker("<", halign="right"), edgecolor="black", zorder=5, clip_on=False, facecolor="white", transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), ) if overflow > 0.0: ax.scatter( final_bins[-1], 0, _marker_size, marker=align_marker(">", halign="left"), edgecolor="black", zorder=5, clip_on=False, facecolor="white", transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), ) elif flow == "show" and (underflow > 0.0 or overflow > 0.0): xticks = ax.get_xticks().tolist() lw = ax.spines["bottom"].get_linewidth() _edges = plottables[0].edges _centers = plottables[0].centers _marker_size = ( 20 * ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).width ) if underflow > 0.0: xticks[0] = "" xticks[1] = f"<{flow_bins[2]}" ax.set_xticklabels(xticks) ax.plot( [_edges[0], _edges[1]], [0, 0], color="white", zorder=5, ls="--", lw=lw, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), clip_on=False, ) ax.scatter( _centers[0], 0, _marker_size, marker=align_marker("d", valign="center"), edgecolor="black", zorder=5, clip_on=False, facecolor="white", transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), ) if overflow > 0.0: xticks[-1] = "" xticks[-2] = f">{flow_bins[-3]}" ax.set_xticklabels(xticks) ax.plot( [_edges[-2], _edges[-1]], [0, 0], color="white", zorder=5, ls="--", lw=lw, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), clip_on=False, ) ax.scatter( _centers[-1], 0, _marker_size, marker=align_marker("d", valign="center"), edgecolor="black", zorder=5, clip_on=False, facecolor="white", transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), ) return return_artists
[docs] def hist2dplot( H, xbins=None, ybins=None, labels=None, cbar: bool = True, cbarsize="7%", cbarpad=0.2, cbarpos="right", cbarextend=True, cmin=None, cmax=None, ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None, flow="hint", **kwargs, ): """ Create a 2D histogram plot from `np.histogram`-like inputs. Parameters ---------- H : object Histogram object with containing values and optionally bins. Can be: - `np.histogram` tuple - `boost_histogram` histogram object - raw histogram values as list of list or 2d-array xbins : 1D array-like, optional, default None Histogram bins along x axis, if not part of ``H``. ybins : 1D array-like, optional, default None Histogram bins along y axis, if not part of ``H``. labels : 2D array (H-like) or bool, default None, optional Array of per-bin labels to display. If ``True`` will display numerical values cbar : bool, optional, default True Draw a colorbar. In contrast to mpl behaviors the cbar axes is appended in such a way that it doesn't modify the original axes width:height ratio. cbarsize : str or float, optional, default "7%" Colorbar width. cbarpad : float, optional, default 0.2 Colorbar distance from main axis. cbarpos : {'right', 'left', 'bottom', 'top'}, optional, default "right" Colorbar position w.r.t main axis. cbarextend : bool, optional, default False Extends figure size to keep original axes size same as without cbar. Only safe for 1 axes per fig. cmin : float, optional Colorbar minimum. cmax : float, optional Colorbar maximum. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created) flow : str, optional {"show", "sum","hint", None} Whether plot the under/overflow bin. If "show", add additional under/overflow bin. If "sum", add the under/overflow bin content to first/last bin. "hint" would highlight the bins with under/overflow contents **kwargs : Keyword arguments passed to underlying matplotlib function - pcolormesh. Returns ------- Hist2DArtist """ # ax check if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() else: if not isinstance(ax, plt.Axes): raise ValueError("ax must be a matplotlib Axes object") h = hist_object_handler(H, xbins, ybins) # TODO: use Histogram everywhere H = np.copy(h.values()) xbins, xtick_labels = get_plottable_protocol_bins(h.axes[0]) ybins, ytick_labels = get_plottable_protocol_bins(h.axes[1]) # Show under/overflow bins # "show": Add additional bin with 2 times bin width if ( hasattr(h, "values") and "flow" not in inspect.getfullargspec(h.values).args and flow is not None ): print( f"Warning: {type(h)} is not allowed to get flow bins, flow bin option set to None" ) flow = None elif flow in ["hint", "show"]: xwidth, ywidth = (xbins[-1] - xbins[0]) * 0.05, (ybins[-1] - ybins[0]) * 0.05 pxbins = np.r_[xbins[0] - xwidth, xbins, xbins[-1] + xwidth] pybins = np.r_[ybins[0] - ywidth, ybins, ybins[-1] + ywidth] padded = to_padded2d(h) hint_xlo, hint_xhi, hint_ylo, hint_yhi = True, True, True, True if np.all(padded[0, :] == 0): padded = padded[1:, :] pxbins = pxbins[1:] hint_xlo = False if np.all(padded[-1, :] == 0): padded = padded[:-1, :] pxbins = pxbins[:-1] hint_xhi = False if np.all(padded[:, 0] == 0): padded = padded[:, 1:] pybins = pybins[1:] hint_ylo = False if np.all(padded[:, -1] == 0): padded = padded[:, :-1] pybins = pybins[:-1] hint_yhi = False if flow == "show": H = padded xbins, ybins = pxbins, pybins elif flow == "sum": H = np.copy(h.values()) # Sum borders try: H[0], H[-1] = ( H[0] + h.values(flow=True)[0, 1:-1], # type: ignore[call-arg] H[-1] + h.values(flow=True)[-1, 1:-1], # type: ignore[call-arg] ) H[:, 0], H[:, -1] = ( H[:, 0] + h.values(flow=True)[1:-1, 0], # type: ignore[call-arg] H[:, -1] + h.values(flow=True)[1:-1, -1], # type: ignore[call-arg] ) # Sum corners to corners H[0, 0], H[-1, -1], H[0, -1], H[-1, 0] = ( h.values(flow=True)[0, 0] + H[0, 0], # type: ignore[call-arg] h.values(flow=True)[-1, -1] + H[-1, -1], # type: ignore[call-arg] h.values(flow=True)[0, -1] + H[0, -1], # type: ignore[call-arg] h.values(flow=True)[-1, 0] + H[-1, 0], # type: ignore[call-arg] ) except TypeError as error: if "got an unexpected keyword argument 'flow'" in str(error): raise TypeError( f"The histograms value method {repr(h)} does not take a 'flow' argument. UHI Plottable doesn't require this to have, but it is required for this function." f" Implementations like hist/boost-histogram support this argument." ) from error xbin_centers = xbins[1:] - np.diff(xbins) / float(2) ybin_centers = ybins[1:] - np.diff(ybins) / float(2) _x_axes_label = ax.get_xlabel() x_axes_label = ( _x_axes_label if _x_axes_label != "" else get_histogram_axes_title(h.axes[0]) ) _y_axes_label = ax.get_ylabel() y_axes_label = ( _y_axes_label if _y_axes_label != "" else get_histogram_axes_title(h.axes[1]) ) H = H.T if cmin is not None: H[H < cmin] = None if cmax is not None: H[H > cmax] = None X, Y = np.meshgrid(xbins, ybins) kwargs.setdefault("shading", "flat") pc = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, H, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, **kwargs) if x_axes_label: ax.set_xlabel(x_axes_label) if y_axes_label: ax.set_ylabel(y_axes_label) ax.set_xlim(xbins[0], xbins[-1]) ax.set_ylim(ybins[0], ybins[-1]) if xtick_labels is None: # Ordered axis if len(ax.get_xticks()) > len(xbins) * 0.7: ax.set_xticks(xbins) else: # Categorical axis ax.set_xticks(xbin_centers) ax.set_xticklabels(xtick_labels) if ytick_labels is None: if len(ax.get_yticks()) > len(ybins) * 0.7: ax.set_yticks(ybins) else: # Categorical axis ax.set_yticks(ybin_centers) ax.set_yticklabels(ytick_labels) if cbar: cax = append_axes( ax, size=cbarsize, pad=cbarpad, position=cbarpos, extend=cbarextend ) cb_obj = plt.colorbar(pc, cax=cax) else: cb_obj = None if flow == "show": if hint_xlo: ax.plot( [xbins[1]] * 2, [0, 1], ls="--", color="lightgrey", clip_on=False, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), ) if hint_xhi: ax.plot( [xbins[-2]] * 2, [0, 1], ls="--", color="lightgrey", clip_on=False, transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), ) if hint_ylo: ax.plot( [0, 1], [ybins[1]] * 2, ls="--", color="lightgrey", clip_on=False, transform=ax.get_yaxis_transform(), ) if hint_yhi: ax.plot( [0, 1], [ybins[-2]] * 2, ls="--", color="lightgrey", clip_on=False, transform=ax.get_yaxis_transform(), ) elif flow == "hint": if (fig := ax.figure) is None: raise ValueError("No figure found.") _marker_size = ( 30 * ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()).width ) if hint_xlo: ax.scatter( 0, 0, _marker_size, marker=align_marker("<", halign="right", valign="bottom"), edgecolor="black", zorder=5, clip_on=False, facecolor="white", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if hint_xhi: ax.scatter( 1, 0, _marker_size, marker=align_marker(">", halign="left"), edgecolor="black", zorder=5, clip_on=False, facecolor="white", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if hint_ylo: ax.scatter( 0, 0, _marker_size, marker=align_marker("v", valign="top", halign="left"), edgecolor="black", zorder=5, clip_on=False, facecolor="white", transform=ax.transAxes, ) if hint_yhi: ax.scatter( 0, 1, _marker_size, marker=align_marker("^", valign="bottom"), edgecolor="black", zorder=5, clip_on=False, facecolor="white", transform=ax.transAxes, ) _labels: np.ndarray | None = None if isinstance(labels, bool): _labels = H if labels else None elif np.iterable(labels): label_array = np.asarray(labels).T if H.shape == label_array.shape: _labels = label_array else: raise ValueError( f"Labels input has incorrect shape (expect: {H.shape}, got: {label_array.shape})" ) elif labels is not None: raise ValueError( "Labels not understood, either specify a bool or a Hist-like array" ) text_artists = [] if _labels is not None: if (pccmap := pc.cmap) is None: raise ValueError("No colormap found.") for ix, xc in enumerate(xbin_centers): for iy, yc in enumerate(ybin_centers): normedh = pc.norm(H[iy, ix]) color = "black" if isLight(pccmap(normedh)[:-1]) else "lightgrey" text_artists.append( ax.text( xc, yc, _labels[iy, ix], ha="center", va="center", color=color ) ) return ColormeshArtists(pc, cb_obj, text_artists)
############################################# # Utils def overlap(ax, bbox, get_vertices=False): """ Find overlap of bbox for drawn elements an axes. """ from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from matplotlib.patches import Patch, Rectangle from matplotlib.text import Text # From # lines = [] bboxes = [] for handle in ax.lines: assert isinstance(handle, Line2D) path = handle.get_path() lines.append(path) for handle in ax.collections: for path in handle.get_paths(): lines.append(path.interpolated(20)) for handle in ax.patches: assert isinstance(handle, Patch) if isinstance(handle, Rectangle): transform = handle.get_data_transform() bboxes.append(handle.get_bbox().transformed(transform)) else: if len(handle.get_path().vertices) == 0: continue lines.append(handle.get_path().interpolated(20)) for handle in ax.texts: assert isinstance(handle, Text) bboxes.append(handle.get_window_extent()) # TODO Possibly other objects vertices = np.concatenate([line.vertices for line in lines]) tvertices = [ax.transData.transform(v) for v in vertices] overlap = bbox.count_contains(tvertices) + bbox.count_overlaps(bboxes) if get_vertices: return overlap, vertices else: return overlap def _draw_leg_bbox(ax): """ Draw legend() and fetch it's bbox """ fig = ax.figure leg = ax.get_legend() if leg is None: leg = [ c for c in ax.get_children() if isinstance(c, plt.matplotlib.legend.Legend) ][0] fig.canvas.draw() return leg.get_frame().get_bbox() def _draw_text_bbox(ax): """ Draw legend() and fetch it's bbox """ fig = ax.figure textboxes = [k for k in ax.get_children() if isinstance(k, AnchoredText)] fig.canvas.draw() if len(textboxes) > 1: logging.warning("More than one textbox found") for box in textboxes: if box.loc in [1, 2]: bbox = box.get_tightbbox(fig.canvas.renderer) else: bbox = textboxes[0].get_tightbbox(fig.canvas.renderer) return bbox
[docs] def yscale_legend( ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None, otol: float | int | None = None, soft_fail: bool = False, ) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """ Automatically scale y-axis up to fit in legend(). Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created) otol : float, optional Tolerance for overlap, default 0. Set ``otol > 0`` for less strict scaling. soft_fail : bool, optional Set ``soft_fail=True`` to return even if it could not fit the legend. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if otol is None: otol = 0 scale_factor = 10 ** (1.05) if ax.get_yscale() == "log" else 1.05 max_scales = 0 while overlap(ax, _draw_leg_bbox(ax)) > otol: logging.debug( f"Legend overlap with other artists is {overlap(ax, _draw_leg_bbox(ax))}." )"Scaling y-axis by 5% to fit legend") ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[-1] * scale_factor) if (fig := ax.figure) is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not fetch figure, maybe no plot is drawn yet?") fig.canvas.draw() if max_scales > 10: if not soft_fail: raise RuntimeError( "Could not fit legend in 10 iterations, return anyway by passing `soft_fail=True`." ) else: logging.warning("Could not fit legend in 10 iterations") break max_scales += 1 return ax
[docs] def yscale_anchored_text( ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None, otol: float | int | None = None, soft_fail: bool = False, ) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """ Automatically scale y-axis up to fit AnchoredText Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created) otol : float, optional Tolerance for overlap, default 0. Set ``otol > 0`` for less strict scaling. soft_fail : bool, optional Set ``soft_fail=True`` to return even if it could not fit the legend. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if otol is None: otol = 0 scale_factor = 10 ** (1.05) if ax.get_yscale() == "log" else 1.05 max_scales = 0 while overlap(ax, _draw_text_bbox(ax)) > otol: logging.debug( f"AnchoredText overlap with other artists is {overlap(ax, _draw_text_bbox(ax))}." )"Scaling y-axis by 5% to fit legend") ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[-1] * scale_factor) if (fig := ax.figure) is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not fetch figure, maybe no plot is drawn yet?") fig.canvas.draw() if max_scales > 10: if not soft_fail: raise RuntimeError( "Could not fit AnchoredText in 10 iterations, return anyway by passing `soft_fail=True`." ) else: logging.warning("Could not fit AnchoredText in 10 iterations") break max_scales += 1 return ax
[docs] def ylow(ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None, ylow: float | None = None) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """ Set lower y limit to 0 or a specific value if not data/errors go lower. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created) ylow : float, optional Set lower y limit to a specific value. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if ax.get_yaxis().get_scale() == "log": return ax if ylow is None: # Check full figsize below 0 bbox = Bbox.from_bounds( 0, 0, ax.get_window_extent().width, -ax.get_window_extent().height ) if overlap(ax, bbox) == 0: ax.set_ylim(0, None) else: ydata = overlap(ax, bbox, get_vertices=True)[1][:, 1] ax.set_ylim(np.min([np.min(ydata), ax.get_ylim()[0]]), None) else: ax.set_ylim(0, ax.get_ylim()[-1]) return ax
[docs] def mpl_magic(ax=None, info=True): """ Consolidate all ex-post style adjustments: ylow yscale_legend """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if info: print("Running ROOT/CMS style adjustments (hide with info=False):") ax = ylow(ax) ax = yscale_legend(ax) ax = yscale_anchored_text(ax) return ax
######################################## # Figure/axes helpers
[docs] def rescale_to_axessize(ax, w, h): """ Adjust figure size to axes size in inches Parameters: w, h: width, height in inches """ if not ax: ax = plt.gca() left = ax.figure.subplotpars.left r = ax.figure.subplotpars.right t = b = ax.figure.subplotpars.bottom figw = float(w) / (r - left) figh = float(h) / (t - b) ax.figure.set_size_inches(figw, figh)
[docs] def box_aspect(ax, aspect=1): """ Adjust figure size to axes size in inches Parameters: aspect: float, optional aspect ratio """ position = ax.get_position() fig_width, fig_height = ax.get_figure().get_size_inches() fig_aspect = fig_height / fig_width pb = position.frozen() pb1 = pb.shrunk_to_aspect(aspect, pb, fig_aspect) ax.set_position(pb1)
class RemainderFixed(axes_size.Scaled): def __init__(self, xsizes, ysizes, divider): self.xsizes = xsizes self.ysizes = ysizes self.div = divider def get_size(self, renderer): xrel, xabs = sum(self.xsizes, start=axes_size.Fixed(0)).get_size(renderer) yrel, yabs = sum(self.ysizes, start=axes_size.Fixed(0)).get_size(renderer) bb = Bbox.from_bounds(*self.div.get_position()).transformed( self.div._fig.transFigure ) w = bb.width / self.div._fig.dpi - xabs h = bb.height / self.div._fig.dpi - yabs return 0, min([w, h])
[docs] def make_square_add_cbar(ax, size=0.4, pad=0.1): """ Make input axes square and return an appended axes to the right for a colorbar. Both axes resize together to fit figure automatically. Works with tight_layout(). """ divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) margin_size = axes_size.Fixed(size) pad_size = axes_size.Fixed(pad) xsizes = [pad_size, margin_size] ysizes = xsizes cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=margin_size, pad=pad_size) divider.set_horizontal([RemainderFixed(xsizes, ysizes, divider)] + xsizes) divider.set_vertical([RemainderFixed(xsizes, ysizes, divider)] + ysizes) return cax
[docs] def append_axes(ax, size=0.1, pad=0.1, position="right", extend=False): """ Append a side ax to the current figure and return it. Figure is automatically extended along the direction of the added axes to accommodate it. Unfortunately can not be reliably chained. """ fig = ax.figure bbox = ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height def convert(fraction, position=position): if isinstance(fraction, str) and fraction.endswith("%"): if position in ["right", "left"]: fraction = width * float(fraction.strip("%")) / 100 elif position in ["top", "bottom"]: fraction = height * float(fraction.strip("%")) / 100 return fraction size = convert(size) pad = convert(pad) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) margin_size = axes_size.Fixed(size) pad_size = axes_size.Fixed(pad) xsizes = [pad_size, margin_size] if position in ["top", "bottom"]: xsizes = xsizes[::-1] yhax = divider.append_axes(position, size=margin_size, pad=pad_size) if extend: def extend_ratio(ax, yhax): ax.figure.canvas.draw() orig_size = ax.get_position().size new_size = sum(itax.get_position().size for itax in [ax, yhax]) return new_size / orig_size if position in ["right"]: divider.set_horizontal([axes_size.Fixed(width)] + xsizes) fig.set_size_inches( fig.get_size_inches()[0] * extend_ratio(ax, yhax)[0], fig.get_size_inches()[1], ) elif position in ["left"]: divider.set_horizontal(xsizes[::-1] + [axes_size.Fixed(width)]) fig.set_size_inches( fig.get_size_inches()[0] * extend_ratio(ax, yhax)[0], fig.get_size_inches()[1], ) elif position in ["top"]: divider.set_vertical([axes_size.Fixed(height)] + xsizes[::-1]) fig.set_size_inches( fig.get_size_inches()[0], fig.get_size_inches()[1] * extend_ratio(ax, yhax)[1], ) ax.get_shared_x_axes().join(ax, yhax) elif position in ["bottom"]: divider.set_vertical(xsizes + [axes_size.Fixed(height)]) fig.set_size_inches( fig.get_size_inches()[0], fig.get_size_inches()[1] * extend_ratio(ax, yhax)[1], ) ax.get_shared_x_axes().join(ax, yhax) return yhax
#################### # Legend Helpers def hist_legend(ax=None, **kwargs): from matplotlib.lines import Line2D if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() new_handles = [ Line2D([], [], c=h.get_edgecolor()) if isinstance(h, mpl.patches.Polygon) else h for h in handles ] ax.legend(handles=new_handles[::-1], labels=labels[::-1], **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def sort_legend(ax, order=None): """ ax : axes with legend labels in it order : Ordered dict with renames or array with order """ handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles)) if isinstance(order, OrderedDict): ordered_label_list = list(order.keys()) elif isinstance(order, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): ordered_label_list = list(order) elif order is None: ordered_label_list = labels else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected values type of order: {type(order)}") ordered_label_list = [entry for entry in ordered_label_list if entry in labels] ordered_label_values = [by_label[k] for k in ordered_label_list] if isinstance(order, OrderedDict): ordered_label_list = [order[k] for k in ordered_label_list] return ordered_label_values, ordered_label_list