API reference#
Plotting functions#
Primary functions.
- mplhep.histplot(H, bins=None, *, yerr: ArrayLike | bool | None = None, w2=None, w2method=None, stack: bool = False, density: bool = False, binwnorm=None, histtype: str = 'step', xerr=False, label=None, sort=None, edges=True, binticks=False, ax: mpl.axes.Axes | None = None, flow='hint', **kwargs)[source][source]#
Create a 1D histogram plot from np.histogram-like inputs.
- Parameters:
H (object) –
Histogram object with containing values and optionally bins. Can be:
np.histogram tuple
PlottableProtocol histogram object
boost_histogram classic (<0.13) histogram object
raw histogram values, provided bins is specified.
Or list thereof.
bins (iterable, optional) – Histogram bins, if not part of
.yerr (iterable or bool, optional) – Histogram uncertainties. Following modes are supported: - True, sqrt(N) errors or poissonian interval when
is specified - shape(N) array of for one sided errors or list thereof - shape(Nx2) array of for two sided errors or list thereofw2 (iterable, optional) – Sum of the histogram weights squared for poissonian interval error calculation
w2method (callable, optional) – Function calculating CLs with signature
low, high = fcn(w, w2)
. Herelow
are given in absolute terms, not relative to w. Default isNone
. If w2 has integer values (likely to be data) poisson interval is calculated, otherwise the resulting error is symmetricsqrt(w2)
. Specifyingpoisson
will force that behaviours.stack (bool, optional) – Whether to stack or overlay non-axis dimension (if it exists). N.B. in contrast to ROOT, stacking is performed in a single call aka
histplot([h1, h2, ...], stack=True)
as opposed to multiple calls.density (bool, optional) – If true, convert sum weights to probability density (i.e. integrates to 1 over domain of axis) (Note: this option conflicts with
)binwnorm (float, optional) –
- If true, convert sum weights to bin-width-normalized, with unit equal to
supplied value (usually you want to specify 1.)
histtype ({'step', 'fill', 'band', 'errorbar'}, optional, default: "step") –
Type of histogram to plot:
”step”: skyline/step/outline of a histogram using plt.stairs
”fill”: filled histogram using plt.stairs
”band”: filled band spanning the yerr range of the histogram using plt.stairs
”errorbar”: single marker histogram using plt.errorbar
xerr (bool or float, optional) – Size of xerr if
histtype == 'errorbar'
. IfTrue
, bin-width will be used.sort ({'label'/'l', 'yield'/'y'}, optional) – Append ‘_r’ for reverse.
edges (bool, default: True, optional) – Specifies whether to draw first and last edges of the histogram
binticks (bool, default: False, optional) – Attempts to draw x-axis ticks coinciding with bin boundaries if feasible.
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created)
flow (str, optional { "show", "sum", "hint", "none"}) – Whether plot the under/overflow bin. If “show”, add additional under/overflow bin. If “sum”, add the under/overflow bin content to first/last bin.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to underlying matplotlib functions - {‘stairs’, ‘errorbar’}.
- Return type:
- mplhep.hist2dplot(H, xbins=None, ybins=None, labels=None, cbar: bool = True, cbarsize='7%', cbarpad=0.2, cbarpos='right', cbarextend=True, cmin=None, cmax=None, ax: Axes | None = None, flow='hint', **kwargs)[source][source]#
Create a 2D histogram plot from np.histogram-like inputs.
- Parameters:
H (object) –
Histogram object with containing values and optionally bins. Can be:
np.histogram tuple
boost_histogram histogram object
raw histogram values as list of list or 2d-array
xbins (1D array-like, optional, default None) – Histogram bins along x axis, if not part of
.ybins (1D array-like, optional, default None) – Histogram bins along y axis, if not part of
.labels (2D array (H-like) or bool, default None, optional) – Array of per-bin labels to display. If
will display numerical valuescbar (bool, optional, default True) – Draw a colorbar. In contrast to mpl behaviors the cbar axes is appended in such a way that it doesn’t modify the original axes width:height ratio.
cbarsize (str or float, optional, default "7%") – Colorbar width.
cbarpad (float, optional, default 0.2) – Colorbar distance from main axis.
cbarpos ({'right', 'left', 'bottom', 'top'}, optional, default "right") – Colorbar position w.r.t main axis.
cbarextend (bool, optional, default False) – Extends figure size to keep original axes size same as without cbar. Only safe for 1 axes per fig.
cmin (float, optional) – Colorbar minimum.
cmax (float, optional) – Colorbar maximum.
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created)
flow (str, optional {"show", "sum","hint", None}) – Whether plot the under/overflow bin. If “show”, add additional under/overflow bin. If “sum”, add the under/overflow bin content to first/last bin. “hint” would highlight the bins with under/overflow contents
**kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to underlying matplotlib function - pcolormesh.
- Return type:
Experiment label helpers#
Experiment specific helpers.
For the effects of the label
method, see also the gallery examples in Labels.
- mplhep.cms.lumitext(text='', ax=None, fontname=None, fontsize=None)[source][source]#
Add typical LHC experiment top-right label. Usually used to indicate year or aggregate luminosity in the plot.
- Parameters:
text (string, optional) – Secondary experiment label, typically not-bold and smaller font-size. For example “Simulation” or “Preliminary”
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched)
fontname (string, optional) – Name of font to be used.
fontsize (string, optional) – Defines size of “secondary label”. Experiment label is 1.3x larger.
- Returns:
ax – A matplotlib Axes object
- Return type:
- mplhep.cms.text(text='', **kwargs)[source][source]#
Add typical LHC experiment primary label to the axes.
- Parameters:
text (string, optional) – Secondary experiment label, typically not-bold and smaller font-size. For example “Simulation” or “Preliminary”
loc (int, optional) – Label position: - 0 : Above axes, left aligned - 1 : Top left corner - 2 : Top left corner, multiline - 3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner”
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched)
fontname (string, optional) – Name of font to be used.
fontsize (string, optional) – Defines size of “secondary label”. Experiment label is 1.3x larger.
exp_weight (string, optional) – Set fontweight of <exp> label. Default “bold”.
italic ((bool, bool, bool), optional) – Tuple of bools to switch which label is italicized
pad (float, optional) – Additional padding from axes border in units of axes fraction size.
- Returns:
ax – A matplotlib Axes <https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/api/axes_api.html> object
- Return type:
- mplhep.cms.label(label=None, **kwargs)[source][source]#
A convenience wrapper combining
providing for the most common use cases.- Parameters:
loc (int, optional) – Label position of
label: - 0 : Above axes, left aligned - 1 : Top left corner - 2 : Top left corner, multiline - 3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner” - 4 : (1) Top left corner, but align “rlabel” underneathax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched)
data (bool, optional) – Prevents prepending “Simulation” to experiment label. Default
.label (str, optional) – Text to append after <exp> (Simulation) <label>. Typically “Preliminary” “Supplementary”, “Private Work” or “Work in Progress”
year (int, optional) – Year when data was collected
lumi (float, optional) – Aggregate luminosity shown. Should require
to beTrue
.lumi_format (string, optional, default is “{0}”) – Format string for luminosity number, e.g. “{0:.1f}”
com (float, optional, default is 13, but can be changed to 7/8/13.6/14 to fit different requirements)
llabel (string, optional) – String to manually set left-hand label text. Will overwrite “data” and “label” kwargs.
rlabel (string, optional) – String to manually set right-hand label text.
fontname (string, optional) – Name of font to be used.
fontsize (string, optional) – Defines size of “secondary label”. Experiment label is 1.3x larger.
exp_weight (string, optional) – Set fontweight of <exp> label. Default “bold”.
italic ((bool, bool, bool), optional) – Tuple of bools to switch which label is italicized
pad (float, optional) – Additional padding from axes border in units of axes fraction size.
exp (string) – Experiment name, unavailable in public
- Returns:
ax – A matplotlib Axes object
- Return type:
- mplhep.atlas.text(text='', **kwargs)[source][source]#
Add typical LHC experiment primary label to the axes.
- Parameters:
text (string, optional) – Secondary experiment label, typically not-bold and smaller font-size. For example “Simulation” or “Preliminary”
loc (int, optional) – Label position: - 0 : Above axes, left aligned - 1 : Top left corner - 2 : Top left corner, multiline - 3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner”
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched)
fontname (string, optional) – Name of font to be used.
fontsize (string, optional) – Defines size of “secondary label”. Experiment label is 1.3x larger.
exp_weight (string, optional) – Set fontweight of <exp> label. Default “bold”.
italic ((bool, bool, bool), optional) – Tuple of bools to switch which label is italicized
pad (float, optional) – Additional padding from axes border in units of axes fraction size.
- Returns:
ax – A matplotlib Axes <https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/api/axes_api.html> object
- Return type:
- mplhep.atlas.label(label=None, **kwargs)[source][source]#
A convenience wrapper combining
providing for the most common use cases.- Parameters:
loc (int, optional) – Label position of
label: - 0 : Above axes, left aligned - 1 : Top left corner - 2 : Top left corner, multiline - 3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner” - 4 : (1) Top left corner, but align “rlabel” underneathax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched)
data (bool, optional) – Prevents prepending “Simulation” to experiment label. Default
.label (str, optional) – Text to append after <exp> (Simulation) <label>. Typically “Preliminary” “Supplementary”, “Private Work” or “Work in Progress”
year (int, optional) – Year when data was collected
lumi (float, optional) – Aggregate luminosity shown. Should require
to beTrue
.lumi_format (string, optional, default is “{0}”) – Format string for luminosity number, e.g. “{0:.1f}”
com (float, optional, default is 13, but can be changed to 7/8/13.6/14 to fit different requirements)
llabel (string, optional) – String to manually set left-hand label text. Will overwrite “data” and “label” kwargs.
rlabel (string, optional) – String to manually set right-hand label text.
fontname (string, optional) – Name of font to be used.
fontsize (string, optional) – Defines size of “secondary label”. Experiment label is 1.3x larger.
exp_weight (string, optional) – Set fontweight of <exp> label. Default “bold”.
italic ((bool, bool, bool), optional) – Tuple of bools to switch which label is italicized
pad (float, optional) – Additional padding from axes border in units of axes fraction size.
exp (string) – Experiment name, unavailable in public
- Returns:
ax – A matplotlib Axes object
- Return type:
- mplhep.lhcb.text(text='', **kwargs)[source][source]#
Add typical LHC experiment primary label to the axes.
- Parameters:
text (string, optional) – Secondary experiment label, typically not-bold and smaller font-size. For example “Simulation” or “Preliminary”
loc (int, optional) – Label position: - 0 : Above axes, left aligned - 1 : Top left corner - 2 : Top left corner, multiline - 3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner”
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched)
fontname (string, optional) – Name of font to be used.
fontsize (string, optional) – Defines size of “secondary label”. Experiment label is 1.3x larger.
exp_weight (string, optional) – Set fontweight of <exp> label. Default “bold”.
italic ((bool, bool, bool), optional) – Tuple of bools to switch which label is italicized
pad (float, optional) – Additional padding from axes border in units of axes fraction size.
- Returns:
ax – A matplotlib Axes <https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/api/axes_api.html> object
- Return type:
- mplhep.lhcb.label(label=None, **kwargs)[source][source]#
A convenience wrapper combining
providing for the most common use cases.- Parameters:
loc (int, optional) – Label position of
label: - 0 : Above axes, left aligned - 1 : Top left corner - 2 : Top left corner, multiline - 3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner” - 4 : (1) Top left corner, but align “rlabel” underneathax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched)
data (bool, optional) – Prevents prepending “Simulation” to experiment label. Default
.label (str, optional) – Text to append after <exp> (Simulation) <label>. Typically “Preliminary” “Supplementary”, “Private Work” or “Work in Progress”
year (int, optional) – Year when data was collected
lumi (float, optional) – Aggregate luminosity shown. Should require
to beTrue
.lumi_format (string, optional, default is “{0}”) – Format string for luminosity number, e.g. “{0:.1f}”
com (float, optional, default is 13, but can be changed to 7/8/13.6/14 to fit different requirements)
llabel (string, optional) – String to manually set left-hand label text. Will overwrite “data” and “label” kwargs.
rlabel (string, optional) – String to manually set right-hand label text.
fontname (string, optional) – Name of font to be used.
fontsize (string, optional) – Defines size of “secondary label”. Experiment label is 1.3x larger.
exp_weight (string, optional) – Set fontweight of <exp> label. Default “bold”.
italic ((bool, bool, bool), optional) – Tuple of bools to switch which label is italicized
pad (float, optional) – Additional padding from axes border in units of axes fraction size.
exp (string) – Experiment name, unavailable in public
- Returns:
ax – A matplotlib Axes object
- Return type:
Axes helpers#
Use all helpers together
- mplhep.mpl_magic(ax=None, info=True)[source][source]#
- Consolidate all ex-post style adjustments:
ylow yscale_legend
or one by one.
- mplhep.plot.ylow(ax: Axes | None = None, ylow: float | None = None) Axes [source][source]#
Set lower y limit to 0 or a specific value if not data/errors go lower.
- Parameters:
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created)
ylow (float, optional) – Set lower y limit to a specific value.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- mplhep.plot.yscale_legend(ax: Axes | None = None, otol: float | int | None = None, soft_fail: bool = False) Axes [source][source]#
Automatically scale y-axis up to fit in legend().
- Parameters:
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created)
otol (float, optional) – Tolerance for overlap, default 0. Set
otol > 0
for less strict scaling.soft_fail (bool, optional) – Set
to return even if it could not fit the legend.
- Returns:
- Return type:
- mplhep.plot.yscale_anchored_text(ax: Axes | None = None, otol: float | int | None = None, soft_fail: bool = False) Axes [source][source]#
Automatically scale y-axis up to fit AnchoredText
- Parameters:
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Axes object (if None, last one is fetched or one is created)
otol (float, optional) – Tolerance for overlap, default 0. Set
otol > 0
for less strict scaling.soft_fail (bool, optional) – Set
to return even if it could not fit the legend.
- Returns:
- Return type:
Figure helpers#
- mplhep.append_axes(ax, size=0.1, pad=0.1, position='right', extend=False)[source][source]#
Append a side ax to the current figure and return it. Figure is automatically extended along the direction of the added axes to accommodate it. Unfortunately can not be reliably chained.
- mplhep.box_aspect(ax, aspect=1)[source][source]#
Adjust figure size to axes size in inches Parameters: aspect: float, optional aspect ratio
Legend helpers#
See the Styles section for an overview of the available styles.