Source code for mplhep.label

from __future__ import annotations

import os

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.text as mtext
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
from matplotlib import rcParams

class ExpText(mtext.Text):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "exptext: Custom Text({}, {}, {})".format(
            self._x, self._y, repr(self._text)

class ExpSuffix(mtext.Text):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "expsuffix: Custom Text({}, {}, {})".format(

class SuppText(mtext.Text):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "supptext: Custom Text({}, {}, {})".format(
            self._x, self._y, repr(self._text)

def exp_text(
    italic=(False, False, False),
    """Add typical LHC experiment primary label to the axes.

        text : string, optional
            Secondary experiment label, typically not-bold and smaller
            font-size. For example "Simulation" or "Preliminary"
        loc : int, optional
            Label position:
            - 0 : Above axes, left aligned
            - 1 : Top left corner
            - 2 : Top left corner, multiline
            - 3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner"
        ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
            Axes object (if None, last one is fetched)
        fontname : string, optional
            Name of font to be used.
        fontsize : string, optional
            Defines size of "secondary label". Experiment label is 1.3x larger.
        exp_weight : string, optional
            Set fontweight of <exp> label. Default "bold".
        italic : (bool, bool, bool), optional
            Tuple of bools to switch which label is italicized
        pad : float, optional
            Additional padding from axes border in units of axes fraction size.
        ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
            A matplotlib `Axes <>`

    _font_size = rcParams["font.size"] if fontsize is None else fontsize
    fontname = "TeX Gyre Heros" if fontname is None else fontname

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    loc1_dict = {
        0: {"xy": (0.001, 1 + pad), "va": "bottom"},
        1: {"xy": (0.05, 0.95 - pad), "va": "top"},

    loc2_dict = {
        0: {"xy": (0.001, 1.005 + pad), "va": "bottom"},
        1: {"xy": (0.05, 0.9550 - pad), "va": "bottom"},
        2: {"xy": (0.05, 0.9450 - pad), "va": "top"},
        3: {"xy": (0.05, 0.95 - pad), "va": "top"},
        4: {"xy": (0.05, 0.9550 - pad), "va": "bottom"},

    loc3_dict = {
        0: {"xy": (1.012, 1 + pad), "va": "top", "ha": "left"},
        1: {"xy": (0.05, 0.945 - pad), "va": "top"},
        2: {"xy": (0.05, 0.935 - pad), "va": "top"},
        3: {"xy": (0.05, 0.940 - pad), "va": "top"},
        4: {"xy": (0.05, 0.9450 - pad), "va": "top"},

    if loc not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
        raise ValueError(
            "loc must be in {0, 1, 2}:\n"
            "0 : Above axes, left aligned\n"
            "1 : Top left corner\n"
            "2 : Top left corner, multiline\n"
            "3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner\n"

    def pixel_to_axis(extent, ax=None):
        # Transform pixel bbox extends to axis fractions
        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.gca()

        extent = extent.transformed(ax.transData.inverted())

        def dist(tup):
            return abs(tup[1] - tup[0])

        dimx, dimy = dist(ax.get_xlim()), dist(ax.get_ylim())
        x, y = ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[0]
        x0, y0, x1, y1 = extent.extents

        return extent.from_extents(
            abs(x0 - x) / dimx,
            abs(y0 - y) / dimy,
            abs(x1 - x) / dimx,
            abs(y1 - y) / dimy,

    if loc in [0, 3]:
        _exp_loc = 0
        _exp_loc = 1
    _formater = ax.get_yaxis().get_major_formatter()
    if type(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) == type(_formater) and _exp_loc == 0:
        _sci_box = pixel_to_axis(
        _sci_offset = _sci_box.width * 1.1
        loc1_dict[_exp_loc]["xy"] = (_sci_offset, loc1_dict[_exp_loc]["xy"][-1])
        if loc == 0:
            loc2_dict[_exp_loc]["xy"] = (_sci_offset, loc2_dict[_exp_loc]["xy"][-1])

    exptext = ExpText(
        fontsize=_font_size * 1.3,
        fontstyle="italic" if italic[0] else "normal",

    _dpi = ax.figure.dpi
    _exp_xoffset = (
        exptext.get_window_extent(ax.figure.canvas.get_renderer()).width / _dpi * 1.05
    if loc == 0:
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(
            exptext._transform, x=_exp_xoffset, units="inches", fig=ax.figure
    elif loc in [1, 4]:
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(
            y=-exptext.get_window_extent().height / _dpi,
    elif loc == 2:
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(
            y=-exptext.get_window_extent().height / _dpi,
    elif loc == 3:
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(exptext._transform, units="inches", fig=ax.figure)

    expsuffix = ExpSuffix(
        fontstyle="italic" if italic[1] else "normal",

    if loc == 0:
        # No transformation, fixed location
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(exptext._transform, units="inches", fig=ax.figure)
    elif loc == 1:
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(
            y=-exptext.get_window_extent().height / _dpi,
    elif loc == 2:
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(
            y=-expsuffix.get_window_extent().height / _dpi,
    elif loc == 3:
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(
            y=-expsuffix.get_window_extent().height / _dpi,
    elif loc == 4:
        _t = mtransforms.offset_copy(
            y=-exptext.get_window_extent().height / _dpi,

    supptext = SuppText(
        ha=loc3_dict[loc].get("ha", "left"),
        fontsize=_font_size / 1.3,
        rotation=0 if loc != 0 else 90,
        fontstyle="italic" if italic[2] else "normal",

    return exptext, expsuffix, supptext

# Lumi text
[docs] def lumitext(text="", ax=None, fontname=None, fontsize=None): """Add typical LHC experiment top-right label. Usually used to indicate year or aggregate luminosity in the plot. Parameters ---------- text : string, optional Secondary experiment label, typically not-bold and smaller font-size. For example "Simulation" or "Preliminary" ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes object (if None, last one is fetched) fontname : string, optional Name of font to be used. fontsize : string, optional Defines size of "secondary label". Experiment label is 1.3x larger. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes A matplotlib `Axes <>`_ object """ _font_size = rcParams["font.size"] if fontsize is None else fontsize fontname = "TeX Gyre Heros" if fontname is None else fontname if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.text( x=1, y=1.005, s=text, transform=ax.transAxes, ha="right", va="bottom", fontsize=_font_size * 0.95, fontweight="normal", fontname=fontname, ) return ax
# Wrapper def exp_label( exp="", loc=0, *, data=False, label="", pub="", year=None, lumi=None, lumi_format="{0}", com=None, llabel=None, rlabel=None, fontname=None, fontsize=None, exp_weight="bold", pad=0, italic=(False, False, False), ax=None, ): """A convenience wrapper combining ``<exp>.text`` and ``lumitext`` providing for the most common use cases. Parameters ---------- loc : int, optional Label position of ``exp_text`` label: - 0 : Above axes, left aligned - 1 : Top left corner - 2 : Top left corner, multiline - 3 : Split EXP above axes, rest of label in top left corner" - 4 : (1) Top left corner, but align "rlabel" underneath ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes object (if None, last one is fetched) data : bool, optional Prevents prepending "Simulation" to experiment label. Default ``False``. label : str, optional Text to append after <exp> (Simulation) <label>. Typically "Preliminary" "Supplementary", "Private Work" or "Work in Progress" year : int, optional Year when data was collected lumi : float, optional Aggregate luminosity shown. Should require ``"data"`` to be ``True``. lumi_format : string, optional, default is `"{0}"` Format string for luminosity number, e.g. `"{0:.1f}"` com: float, optional, default is 13, but can be changed to 7/8/13.6/14 to fit different requirements llabel : string, optional String to manually set left-hand label text. Will overwrite "data" and "label" kwargs. rlabel : string, optional String to manually set right-hand label text. fontname : string, optional Name of font to be used. fontsize : string, optional Defines size of "secondary label". Experiment label is 1.3x larger. exp_weight : string, optional Set fontweight of <exp> label. Default "bold". italic : (bool, bool, bool), optional Tuple of bools to switch which label is italicized pad : float, optional Additional padding from axes border in units of axes fraction size. exp : string Experiment name, unavailable in public ``<experiment>text()``. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes A matplotlib `Axes <>`_ object """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Right label if rlabel is not None: _lumi = rlabel else: if lumi is not None: _lumi = r"{lumi}{year} ({com} TeV)".format( lumi=lumi_format.format(lumi) + r" $\mathrm{fb^{-1}}$", year=", " + str(year) if year is not None else "", com=str(com) if com is not None else "13", ) else: _lumi = "{year} ({com} TeV)".format( year=str(year) if year is not None else "", com=str(com) if com is not None else "13", ) if loc < 4: lumitext(text=_lumi, ax=ax, fontname=fontname, fontsize=fontsize) # Left label if llabel is not None: _label = llabel else: _label = label if pub: _label = " ".join(["Supplementary", _label]) if not data: _label = " ".join(["Simulation", _label]) _label = " ".join(_label.split()) exptext, expsuffix, supptext = exp_text( exp=exp, text=_label, supp=pub if loc != 4 else "", # Special handling for loc4 loc=loc, ax=ax, fontname=fontname, fontsize=fontsize, exp_weight=exp_weight, italic=italic, pad=pad, ) if loc == 4: _t = mtransforms.offset_copy( supptext._transform, y=-supptext.get_window_extent().height / ax.figure.dpi, units="inches", fig=ax.figure, ) if lumi is not None: _lumi = ( r"$\sqrt{s} = \mathrm{13\ TeV}, " + str(lumi) + r"\ \mathrm{fb}^{-1}$" ) else: _lumi = r"$\sqrt{s} = \mathrm{13\ TeV}$" explumi = ExpSuffix( *exptext.get_position(), text=rlabel if rlabel is not None else _lumi, transform=_t, ha=supptext.get_ha(), va="top", fontsize=fontsize, fontname=fontname, fontstyle="normal", ) ax._add_text(explumi) _t = mtransforms.offset_copy( explumi._transform, y=-explumi.get_window_extent().height / ax.figure.dpi, units="inches", fig=ax.figure, ) _font_size = rcParams["font.size"] if fontsize is None else fontsize supptext = SuppText( *explumi.get_position(), text=pub, transform=_t, ha=explumi.get_ha(), va="top", fontsize=_font_size / 1.3, fontname=fontname, fontstyle="italic" if italic[2] else "normal", ) ax._add_text(supptext) return exptext, expsuffix, supptext, explumi return exptext, expsuffix, supptext def savelabels( fname: str = "", ax: plt.Axes | None = None, labels: list | None = None, **kwargs, ): """ Save multiple copies of a figure on which axes is located with the most commonly used label combinations (or user supplied). Example: >>> import mplhep as hep >>> hep.cms.label(data=False) >>> hep.savelabels('test.png') This will produces 4 variation on experiment label: - "" -> "test.png" - "Preliminary" -> "test_pas.png" - "Supplementary" -> "test_supp.png" - "Work in Progress" -> "test_wip.png" Or the combination of labels and filenames can be set manually >>> hep.savelabels('test', labels=[("FOO", "foo.pdf"), ("BAR", "bar")]) Which will produce: - "FOO" -> "foo.pdf" - "BAR" -> "test_bar.png" Passing a list of labels will generate file suffixes by casting to snakecase. Parameters ---------- fname : str Primary filename to be passed to ``plt.savefig``. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional Axes object (if None, last one is fetched) labels : list of tuples, optional Mapping of label versions to be produced along with desired savename modifications. By default: [ ("", ""), ("Preliminary", "pas"), ("Supplementary", "supp"), ("Work in Progress", "wip"), ] If supplied strings contain suffixes such as ".png" the names will be assumed to be absolute and will ignore ``fname``. If current label contains "Simulation" this will be preserved. """ if labels is None: labels = [ ("", ""), ("Preliminary", "pas"), ("Supplementary", "supp"), ("Work in Progress", "wip"), ] if isinstance(labels, list) and isinstance(labels[0], str): labels = [(label, label.replace(" ", "_").lower()) for label in labels] if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() label_base = [ch for ch in ax.get_children() if isinstance(ch, ExpSuffix)][0] _sim = "Simulation" if "Simulation" in label_base.get_text() else "" for label_text, suffix in labels: label_base.set_text(" ".join([_sim, label_text]).lstrip()) if "." in suffix: # absolute paths save_name = suffix else: if len(suffix) > 0: suffix = "_" + suffix if "." in fname: save_name = f"{fname.split('.')[0]}{suffix}.{fname.split('.')[1]}" else: save_name = f"{fname}{suffix}" path_dir = os.path.join(*save_name.split("/")[:-1]) if not os.path.exists(path_dir): os.makedirs(path_dir) if isinstance(ax.figure, plt.Figure): ax.figure.savefig(save_name, **kwargs) def save_variations(fig, name, text_list=None, exp=None): """Lite ``savelabels`` Parameters ---------- fig : figure name : str Savename to pass to `plt.savefig()` text_list : list, optional Variations of ExpSuffix text object to cycle through exp : str, optional Change experiment name label """ if text_list is None: text_list = ["Preliminary", ""] from mplhep.label import ExpSuffix, ExpText for text in text_list: for ax in fig.get_axes(): exp_labels = [t for t in ax.get_children() if isinstance(t, ExpText)] suffixes = [t for t in ax.get_children() if isinstance(t, ExpSuffix)] for exp_label, suffix_text in zip(exp_labels, suffixes): if exp is not None: exp_label.set_text(exp) suffix_text.set_text(text) name_ext = "" if text == "" else "_" + text.lower() if exp is not None: name_ext = exp.lower() + name_ext save_name = name.split(".")[0] + name_ext + "." + name.split(".")[1] fig.savefig(save_name)